Wadi – Steep-sided valley containing an intermittent stream in an arid region.
Wall Rock – Rock enclosing a vein or mineral deposit.
Warping – Tectonics term referring to the gentle, regional bending of the earth’s crust which occurs in epeirogenic movements.
Water Mass – Mass of water that fills part of an ocean or lake and is distinguished by its uniform physical and chemical properties such as temperature and salinity.
Water Table – Gently-curved surface below the ground at which the Vadose zone ends and the phreatic zone begins, commonly noted as the level to which a well would fill with water.
Wave-Cut Terrace – Level surface formed by wave erosion of coastal bedrock to the bottom of the turbulent breaker zone.
Wavelength – Distance between two successive peaks or between troughs.
Wave Steepness – Maximum height or amplitude of a wave divided by its wavelength.
Weathering – Physical, chemical, and biological processes by which rock is changed and broken down.
Weights – In modeling we often wish to have control on how much influence a particular part of the model has on the inversion and this can be achieved through assigning weights to control the relative importance of any given component of the data.
Well Log – Roil and gas term for the record describing geologic formations and well testing or development techniques used during well construction.
Workflow – Describes both the conceptual sequence of steps followed by domain experts to discover solutions to geoscience business challenges, as well the specific software interfaces that embody them.